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As a homeowner, you undoubtedly have a vested interest in the value of your property. The real estate market is always in flux, with property values fluctuating accordingly. As an estate agency professional, I’ve found that most homeowners already have a ballpark figure in mind when valuing their home, and you’re likely no exception.

To get a better understanding of the local market conditions, we recommend checking various websites and perusing media reports on the economy and the housing market. Additionally, researching sold prices of comparable homes in your area will give you an idea of what your property may be worth. If you’re still unsure, consulting with an estate agent can provide valuable insights on the current market value of your home. Major banks also publish house price index reports that offer useful information on the market.

Keep in mind that, ultimately, the decision on what price to ask for your home is yours. However, it’s important to consider the perspective of potential buyers. Overpricing your home may lead to a lack of interest from buyers and create issues if a mortgage valuation survey is conducted. It’s wise to price your property sensibly and avoid the temptation to be greedy. If your property isn’t attracting the level of activity you anticipated, it may be worth considering a price adjustment to generate more interest.

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